History and philosophy of sciences
Work of historical epistemology around the category of definitions
The notion of definition is by far one of the most proeminent in the practice of science, yet remains poorly treated through epistemological history. I spent two years working on my phylosophy master's thesis, towards understanding what an epistemological category of definition could be. I more precisely worked on understanding their functions and uses during the "tournant de la rigueur", and the renewal of analysis at the beginning of the XIXth century.
The role of algebra in teaching
Some reflexions held during my studies of history and philosophy os sciences around the history of algebra, as well as the questions of the legitimity of algebra in pedagocical issues raised by the journal Repères IREM, gave rise to an article L'Algèbre, ou l'école de la raison (in french).
Travaux en histoire et philosophie des sciences
I wrote some essays and studies in history and philosophy of sciences (in french) :